WORSHIP ~ What To Expect...
Our regular Sunday worship is from 10:30-11:30am in the sanctuary.
We offer regular prayer and worship in our historic chapel.
In the Summer & Fall, we offer outdoor worship experiences.
Our Worship Style:
At Swarthmore UMC, we enjoy traditional-yet-fresh worship that is inclusive of all people. Our worship is steeped in the traditions of the Church and enlivened by the Holy Sprit through music, prayer, and contemplation. Our Sunday worship is led by a team of clergy, lay leaders, and our church choir. We want you to know that you can come...just as you are.
Children are a gift and a joy...they are always welcome in worship!
1st Sunday Communion & Potluck: We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of the month. After worship, we have a Communion Potluck Luncheon in the Centennial Room. Come as you are, or bring a dish to share.
5th Sunday Table Church: When a month has a fifth Sunday, we gather around tables for a light meal and conversation as the centerpiece of the worship service. Get to know your neighbors, enjoy healthy food, and hear how God is at work in the world through guided questions in this relaxed worship experience.
The Sacraments of Holy Communion & Baptism
The Liturgical Year
Just as the seasons change, the church has various seasons and holy days throughout the year.
For more information, reach out to Pastor Ali
Our regular Sunday worship is from 10:30-11:30am in the sanctuary.
We offer regular prayer and worship in our historic chapel.
In the Summer & Fall, we offer outdoor worship experiences.
Our Worship Style:
At Swarthmore UMC, we enjoy traditional-yet-fresh worship that is inclusive of all people. Our worship is steeped in the traditions of the Church and enlivened by the Holy Sprit through music, prayer, and contemplation. Our Sunday worship is led by a team of clergy, lay leaders, and our church choir. We want you to know that you can come...just as you are.
Children are a gift and a joy...they are always welcome in worship!
- There is a "Time with Young Christians" at each service; afterwards, kids can go to Sunday school or stay with us in the sanctuary.
- For young people who wish to stay in the sanctuary, we have an Activity Table and Worship Clipboards (with stickers, coloring pages, crayons, etc) related to the day's worship service.
- We have a children's choir (rehearsing during the worship service in Sunday School) who sings in worship 4-5 times a year.
- Nursery Care is available each week starting at 10:00am
1st Sunday Communion & Potluck: We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of the month. After worship, we have a Communion Potluck Luncheon in the Centennial Room. Come as you are, or bring a dish to share.
5th Sunday Table Church: When a month has a fifth Sunday, we gather around tables for a light meal and conversation as the centerpiece of the worship service. Get to know your neighbors, enjoy healthy food, and hear how God is at work in the world through guided questions in this relaxed worship experience.
The Sacraments of Holy Communion & Baptism
- Communion: In The United Methodist Church, we have an open table. This means the sacrament of Holy Communion, where God nourishes us with God's grace, is open to all! To learn more about Communion in the United Methodist Tradition, click here.
- Baptism: In the United Methodist Church, both infants and adults are presented to receive the God's gracious gift through the waters of Baptism. We celebrate Baptisms several times a year, welcoming new disciples into the Body of Christ. To learn more about Baptism in the United Methodist Tradition, click here.
The Liturgical Year
Just as the seasons change, the church has various seasons and holy days throughout the year.
- Advent - 4 Sundays preparing for the holy mystery of Christ's Birth
- Christmas - Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
- Epiphany & Baptism of the Lord
- The Green Growing Season of Christ
- Lent - 6 Sundays as we journey to the Cross and Resurrection
- Holy Week: Remembering the last week of Jesus' earthly life (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday)
- Easter & Easter Season - 6 Sundays celebrating the Resurrection
- Pentecost - The Coming of the Holy Spirit & the Birth of the Church
- The Green Growing Season of the Church
- All Saints Sunday - Remembering our loved ones who have passed away
For more information, reach out to Pastor Ali